On Kanban

On Kanban

Kanban is now well known in IT management of large corporations. Where did it come from? Who popularized it? And what is the best software to make IT work for you?

On new jobs

On new jobs

A story of my six-month journey from working for a company I no longer identified with, through rocky paths of the job market, toward a great opportunity.

On tinder and relationships

On tinder and relationships

And empirical take on Sternberg's duplex theory of Love with an introduction inspecting whether Tinder is as terible for men as most studies assert. It's long.

On gaming

On gaming

The longer story of how important the role of gaming has been in my life, coping with struggle, and my progression from an awkward kid to a respected professional.

On prague and food

On prague and food

Places to eat in Prague, curated by a local. All of them located in a neatly small radius and all great for taking a break from all the czech restaurants wannabe that only look to capitalize on tourists.

On anticipation

On anticipation

On how you should strive to be the one in control of your life and how much it sucks when you lose this control. And how you can't do anything but trust and believe in intentions of those who are.